Baking Fails


Picture the scene. You’ve lovingly made your cake mixture or cookie dough, you put it in the oven hoping the heat fairies will be kind, you take out your bake at the designated time and oh… something horrendous has happened. Sometimes, you don’t even make it as far as the oven! Enter; Baking Fail.

We’ve all done it. We all do it. I doubt even baking royalty Mary Berry herself has escaped from the jaws of a baking fail. But you know what? It’s ok. It really, really is. Baking fails are as much a part of baking as eating the goodies themselves.

“I bet everything you bake comes out perfect!” someone said to me at a networking breakfast the other week. I promise you now, 90% of the recipes you see on my page are my second , third or even fourth attempt! (Jaffa Bake, I’m looking at you!)

You would be wrong to assume that just because I am She Who Bakes, doesn’t mean I’m not also She Who Makes Mistakes. This week, I posted a picture of some super tasty, awesome Lotus Biscoff (Caramelised Biscuit) Cupcakes. This is what the finished product looked like;

And this was the first attempt…

Now, they may have sunk and were unusable, but they were still tasty! Every cloud. Haha!

I’ve had some right disasters! My top two have to be the saucepan in the featured image, I was trying to make a cheese sauce! And my pink lemonade cheesecake as I mentioned in a previous blog:

“I had decided to create a recipe for my new blog, I had mistaken ‘pink lemonade concentrate’ for just normal pink lemonade. So 24 hours after I left my pink lemonade cheesecake to set, I took it out of the fridge. Serving plate and camera at the ready, I unclipped the tin and WHOOOOOSSSSSHHHHHH. Pink lemonade spilled out from the metal ring and covered the entire kitchen”

I was cleaning it up for DAYS! But as the famous saying goes, you can fail many times and not be a failure, the only real failure is giving up.

When things don’t work out they way you have planned, you learn from them. Baking is a delicate science and while there is an unlimited amount of room to be adventurous, it only takes a few things to be out of sync to send it straight to the bin. I’m learning every day, I don’t think I’ll ever stop and I think that’s rather exciting!

If you want to turn your baking hobby into a career, check out my book Cakes, Bakes & Business for everything you need to know about running a successful baking business, including pricing, marketing, insurance and much more!

Give it a try and let me know how you get on either on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram.

Happy baking!

Britt xo

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