Coconut Ice

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  • 200g Carnation Condensed Milk.
  • 230g icing sugar.
  • 180g desiccated coconut.
  • And pink paste food colouring. (I’m using Sugarflair Claret.)
Preparation Time:- 10 minutes Cooking Time:- N/A

I LOVE coconut ice. I always used to get a bar of it when my mum and I used to go to the beach when I was a little girl. This recipe is so simple, it requires no baking and only four ingredients.


Firstly you need to line a tupperware box with baking paper.


Then sieve your icing sugar into a bowl.


Pour in your condensed milk.


Then combine the icing sugar and condensed milk until the icing sugar starts to be absorbed.


Once the icing sugar has been mixed in, pour in the desiccated coconut and mix. This will start to be very stiff.


It should start to look like this!


Then separate the mixture into two bowls. This is where you can decide what colour and flavour to make your coconut ice. I’m leaving mine natural flavouring.


Using a cocktail stick, mix in some gel food colouring to a bowl of mixture.


Mix in the food colouring until you have an even colour.


Squidge the mixture into your lined tupperware box on separate sides then using your hands, push them together, the mixture should be wet enough for them to stick nicely. Then pop this in the fridge and leave to set for 2-3 hours. For best results, leave overnight,


Once set, pull your block of coconut ice out of the tupperware box using your baking paper and peel it away.


Cut the edges off (and eat them.) And then cut your coconut ice into lovely little slices!

Sit back and admire your beautiful and nostalgic sweet treat! Once they are cut up like this, they can easily be put into little cellophane bags to be given as presents too.

If you want to turn your baking hobby into a career, check out my book Cakes, Bakes & Business for everything you need to know about running a successful baking business, including pricing, marketing, insurance and much more!

Give it a try and let me know how you get on either on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram.

Happy baking!

Britt xo

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