Chocolate hazelnut filled pancakes

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  • 250g plain flour
  • 2 tablespoons baking powder
  • 400ml warm milk
  • 2 large free range eggs
  • 150g softened unsalted butter
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • Chocolate hazelnut spread (or Nutella), strawberries and squirty cream.
Preparation Time:- 10 minutes Cooking Time:- 3 minutes (per pancake)

Hello muffins!

Pancake day is very nearly upon us. So if you want a change from the normal lemon and sugar, give these fluffy chocolate hazelnut spread (or Nutella) filled pancakes served with strawberries and whipped cream.

You need a fab pancake pan. Mine is a non-stick 24cm pancake pan from Sainsbury’s and it’s amazing!


Warm the milk either on the hob or in the microwave. Sift the flour and baking powder into a bowl and add the milk. Stir on a low speed.


Add the butter, vanilla and the eggs. Mix on a medium-high speed until all the lumps have gone and the batter is nice and smooth.


Place a little butter into your pancake pan and melt gently. Use some kitchen roll to thoroughly wipe the pan.


You need to soften the spread so it is really runny. I took off the lid and any wrapping and put this in the microwave for 1 minute. This made the spread a great consistency.


Ladle a small amount of your batter into your heated pan.


Wait for the base to form a little and then you have to act quickly!


Spoon some of the melted spread into the middle. You don’t need a lot!!


Let it melt into the batter.


Then top this with a little more batter.


You can use a pallet knife to spread this over. As you can see by my example, it doesn’t have to be neat or even! When it starts bubbling on the top, flip it over and cook both sides evenly.

These are so good! And very moreish…

The mixture makes about 10 pancakes and they are best eaten straight away. (As IF you would be able to leave them!)

Give them a go and as always, let me know how you get on either on Facebook or Twitter.

Happy baking!

Britt xo

If you want to turn your baking hobby into a career, check out my book Cakes, Bakes & Business for everything you need to know about running a successful baking business, including pricing, marketing, insurance and much more!

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